Become a Member
Become a valued member today and enjoy exclusive benefits and access to our community.
Suhay Membership Guidelines
1. The Suhay Environmental Leadership Foundation Inc. (also called SELFI and Foundation) accepts members in three categories - Individual, Corporate and Organization.
2. Members are provided with ID numbers and this number will be used for any transaction of the members with the Foundation.
3. Call ID shall be the Official Suhay Name of the members. Each member has a UNIQUE Suhay name to identify exactly the person. SELFI do not use the given name as Call ID because there will be multiple duplication in the use of the name in addressing the members. So, thanks to all members for choosing your unique, beautiful and wonderful Call IDs.
4. All members are VOLUNTEERS in the Foundation and shall not demand any remunerations of their works unless the Activities and Programs of participation are explicitly defined by SELFI through its information channels.
5. All members are enjoined to give respect for each other, always showing kindness, be ready in supporting each other, communicating pleasantly and avoiding conflicts or disputes.
6. All members are encouraged to attend our general assemblies and to volunteer in environmental activities where the SELFI leadership will guide the members. Some activities may be given Suhay Merits (SM), Suhay Rewards Points (SRP), Suhay Awards Credits (SAC) and many more, which will upon recognition by the Foundation may entitle the member to receive Suhay Recognition, Cash Rewards, Scholarships, Promotion Bar and Gifts.
7. Suhay Members shall adhere to the precepts and principles propagated by the Foundation, focus on the purpose, targets and mission of Suhay and be an active and eligible member of SELFI at all times and until Forever. ONCE a SUHAY, FOREVER a SUHAY!